The Pathway Blog
Food for the Journey
The Pathway Blog has posts with inspiration and thoughts on all sorts of things, all from a Christian perspective.
Passages & Pathways 3: Straight Paths
In the third ‘Passages & Pathways’, Dave starts to unpack our core values as a church, starting with being ‘Open to God’.
Easter Crossroads: March 9th
Crossroads is our monthly all age fun afternoon where all people can come together. You are warmly invited on March 9th!
Passages & Pathways 2: Knowing the Way
In the second ‘Passages & Pathways’, Dave digs into a big claim Jesus makes which changes everything if it’s true.
Passages & Pathways 1: The Ancient Paths
In the first of a new series, Dave explores something of the way God calls us to choose the pathways in our lives.
Lent Crossroads: February 10th
Crossroads is our monthly all age fun afternoon where all people can come together. You are warmly invited on February 10th!
We all love an underdog story!
Alan Bates, Ronnie O’Sullivan, and Jesus – what is the link? And why are we so drawn to the underdog?
What habits are forming you?
How can we make sure the habits that shape us are the right ones? Dave explores some words in the Bible that give us some guidance on that.
Are you coming to Crossroads?
Crossroads is our monthly all age fun afternoon where all people can come together. You are warmly invited on January 13th!